SCENE 1: garden/ BBQ scenes (one in East, one in West): Technical codes: Mise-en-scene: Digetic music (East) Costume (soldier uniform/ old fashioned clothing)- East Bigger house- West = shows wealth. Costume~ emphasises East vs West- creates 80s nostalgia; younger generation= casual, dont want to conform to the old, traditional ways. Formal, hierachical- West- most people are in uniform. Representation: East/ West/ Family/ Gender: Family in East= warm, valued, welcoming, poor but happy- Tracking/ steady cam shot follows Martin when he greets everyone. Family in West= traditional- daughter perfoming= traditional. Gender- Martin starts the bbq (West), Mum was organising/ tidying (East) = stereotypical. Gender- Martin places his hat on Anettes head= he is dominant in the relationship. "That Reagan... danger to mankind"- East vs West- coffee (prop)= wealth within the West. Gender= male dominated- historically accurate?, stereotypes reinforced. SCENE 2: Martin...